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What We Do


The primary purpose of our group is to provide a befriending service, giving members a safe place to meet new people and make friends.


Our group builds the confidence of its members through workshops and social events, as well as providing educational sessions where we will discuss topics that affect this community such as safe sex, dealing with homophobia and discrimination, and coming out to friends and family.


We support members in organising events or projects through United Pride Friends, including educational pamphlets or sessions on topics of each others personal experiences. We will be hosting regular trips to a range of places where all group members will be invited to participate. This will provide members with fantastic opportunities to socialise in settings outside of our usual group venue and maybe even try something new. 

Our project will bring members of the LGBTQ+ community with autism & learning difficulties together in a safe space that is accessible, accepting and confidential. Our team are trained in safeguarding procedures and able to provide different types of support to meet diverse needs.


By offering people the friendship and support of a group like united pride friends, providing relevant resources and education we believe they will thrive and grow as a community. 


Pride Parade

Listening to members has allowed us to create a framework for the sessions we plan to run, informed by the activities and issues we have discussed as one. We keep our members up to date and informed by providing a monthly newsletter of what we have been doing and what is coming up.

United Pride Friends 


A service for people across the North West



Funded by Equity fund

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©2020 by United Pride Friends

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